
Linda Six

It's all about the stories

Linda Six

It's all about the stories.

The end of an ice age and the world is still cold. Two nations have been in a war over resources for a thousand years. In the technologically superior Nation the large company Shoes and Chemistry breed people to turn them into super soldiers called Elites. Fermin Macasaga is one of them. Under the control of the company he has been forced to do horrible things that has left him tormented by his past.

His only ray of hope is his fiancée Lorea, and the two of them plan on running away to escape the company and the neverending war. But one day Lorea is gone. What happened to her, and could Lorea’s mysterious new friend have something to do with it? And who is the man watching her friend?

A Flower for Atonement is a sci-fi drama set in a world full of intrigue and mystery.

Who am I?

This is a really good question, one that people smarter than I have been trying to answer for decades. One thing that poses a problem in any attempt to answer this question is the fact that we, as human beings, are in a perpetual state of changing. As we grow older we have more experience, nothing can surprise us much any longer. Most people also work on their personality, habits and routines in order to better themselves, to reach for the person they want to be, not who they are. This is all proper and well, we should all strive forward, always trying to be the best version of ourselves. Because then, maybe, we can really answer the question posed in the beginning of this rambling. 

Who am I? Who knows. In life, there is no other direction than forward. We are energy that needs to keep its forward momentum so it doesn’t fade and die. We are the shark we heard about as children that will die if it doesn’t keep swimming. We are movement. All else is stagnation. And what is stagnation if not death?
But that was not the answer you wanted to hear. Sorry. Let’s try again.

Who am I?

My name is Linda Six. I am a writer, artist and musician who lives in northern Sweden. I have made up stories and fairy tales ever since I was a small child. You could say it was a need that I had. Well, little has changed. Other than that I have made it insanely more complicated over the years. I love nature, hanging out with friends and have a dog named Gizmo.
I hope you like my website. Be sure to check out my novel A Flower for Atonement. Cheers!


Computer manipulated image of a fallen tree log.

Contact me. If you want to.

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